The Frustrating Issue with Rails Hotwire Trix Textarea Resize: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving the Problem
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The Frustrating Issue with Rails Hotwire Trix Textarea Resize: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving the Problem

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Are you tired of wrestling with the infuriating issue of Rails Hotwire Trix textarea resize? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this pesky problem, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into a comprehensive guide to solving this issue once and for all.

What’s the Problem, Anyway?

The issue arises when you’re using Hotwire and Trix together in a Rails application, and you try to resize a textarea. Instead of smoothly resizing the textarea, the browser gets stuck in an infinite loop, causing the textarea to grow exponentially, taking over the entire screen. It’s like a digital Hydra – cut off one head, and two more grow back!

This problem occurs because Hotwire’s turbo-drive.js and Trix’s trix.js libraries are conflicting with each other, causing the textarea to malfunction. But don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of this.

Understanding the Causes of the Issue

To solve the problem, it’s essential to understand what’s causing it. Let’s break it down:

  • Trix’s Autosizing Feature: Trix comes with an autosizing feature that dynamically adjusts the textarea’s height based on the content. This feature is enabled by default.
  • Hotwire’s Turbo-Drive.js: Hotwire uses turbo-drive.js to provide fast and efficient page loads. However, this library intercepts the DOM events and can sometimes conflict with Trix’s autosizing feature.

When these two libraries clash, the textarea resize functionality gets stuck in an infinite loop, causing chaos on your screen.

Solving the Issue: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we understand the causes, let’s get to the solutions! Follow these steps to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Disable Trix’s Autosizing Feature

The easiest way to fix the issue is to disable Trix’s autosizing feature. You can do this by adding the following code to your Trix configuration:

trix.config.autosize = false

This will disable the autosizing feature, and you’ll be able to resize the textarea without any issues.

Step 2: Use a Custom Resizer

If you still want to use Trix’s autosizing feature, you can create a custom resizer to handle the textarea resize events. Add the following code to your JavaScript file:

const trixEditor = document.querySelector('trix-editor')
const textarea = trixEditor.querySelector('textarea')

textarea.addEventListener('input', () => {
  setTimeout(() => { = 'auto' = textarea.scrollHeight + 'px'
  }, 0)

This code creates a custom resizer that updates the textarea’s height based on its content.

Step 3: Use Hotwire’s `turbo: false` Option

Another solution is to disable Hotwire’s turbo-drive.js for the specific textarea element. You can do this by adding the following data attribute to your textarea:

<textarea data-turbo="false"></textarea>

This will prevent Hotwire from intercepting the DOM events for the textarea, allowing the resize functionality to work correctly.

Optimizing the Solution

Now that we’ve covered the solutions, let’s talk about optimizing them for better performance:

Debouncing the Resize Event

When you’re using the custom resizer, you might notice that the textarea resize event is triggered multiple times, causing unnecessary re-renders. To optimize this, you can debounce the resize event using a library like Lodash:

const _ = require('lodash')

textarea.addEventListener('input', _.debounce(() => { = 'auto' = textarea.scrollHeight + 'px'
}, 100))

This code debounces the resize event, ensuring that it’s only triggered once every 100 milliseconds.

Using a More Efficient Autosizing Algorithm

Trix’s autosizing feature can be heavy on performance, especially for large text areas. To optimize this, you can use a more efficient autosizing algorithm like the one provided by the textarea-autosize library:

import autosize from 'textarea-autosize'


This library provides a more efficient autosizing algorithm that doesn’t conflict with Hotwire’s turbo-drive.js.


The issue with Rails Hotwire Trix textarea resize can be frustrating, but with these solutions and optimizations, you’ll be able to resolve the problem and provide a better user experience for your users. Remember to:

  1. Disable Trix’s autosizing feature or use a custom resizer
  2. Use Hotwire’s `turbo: false` option for the textarea
  3. Debounce the resize event for better performance
  4. Use a more efficient autosizing algorithm

By following these steps and optimizations, you’ll be able to tame the beast that is the Rails Hotwire Trix textarea resize issue.

Solution Pros Cons
Disable Autosizing Easy to implement, no performance issues Loses autosizing functionality
Custom Resizer Allows for custom resize logic, no performance issues Requires additional code, might not work with all use cases
Hotwire’s `turbo: false` Easy to implement, no performance issues Disables Hotwire’s turbo-drive.js for the textarea

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you solve the issue with Rails Hotwire Trix textarea resize. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling with Rails Hotwire Trix textarea resize issues? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and fix those pesky textarea resizing problems.

Why does my Trix textarea not resize properly in Rails Hotwire?

This might be due to a CSS issue. Try adding `trix-toolbar` and `trix-editor` classes to your CSS file and set their `height` property to `auto` or a fixed value. This should allow the textarea to resize properly.

How can I make the Trix textarea resize dynamically based on its content?

You can use JavaScript to achieve this. Add an event listener to the Trix editor’s `change` event, and then set the `height` property of the textarea based on its `scrollHeight` property. This will dynamically adjust the textarea’s height to fit its content.

Why does my Trix textarea resize, but its content gets cut off at the bottom?

This might be due to the `overflow-y` property being set to `hidden` on the Trix editor or its parent elements. Try setting `overflow-y` to `auto` or `visible` to allow the content to be displayed properly.

Can I use a custom CSS framework with Trix textarea in Rails Hotwire?

Yes, you can use a custom CSS framework with Trix textarea in Rails Hotwire. However, you might need to adjust the CSS selectors and styles to match your custom framework’s conventions. Make sure to test your implementation thoroughly to ensure compatibility.

How can I disable the Trix textarea resize feature in Rails Hotwire?

You can disable the Trix textarea resize feature by adding the `data-trix-attribute=”resize=false”` attribute to your textarea element. This will prevent the textarea from resizing automatically.