CSS File Only Works with Live Server on Visual Studio Code: The Ultimate Solution
Image by Emmerson - hkhazo.biz.id

CSS File Only Works with Live Server on Visual Studio Code: The Ultimate Solution

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Are you tired of pulling your hair out because your CSS file refuses to work unless you’re running a live server on Visual Studio Code? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has plagued many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here.

What’s Going On?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what’s happening. When you create a CSS file and try to link it to your HTML file, Visual Studio Code doesn’t automatically serve it. This is because VS Code is a code editor, not a web server. It’s designed to edit code, not serve files.

That’s where the live server comes in. When you run a live server, it creates a temporary web server that serves your files, allowing you to see the changes in real-time. But what if you don’t want to run a live server every time you make a change? That’s where things get tricky.

The Problem: CSS File Not Loading

Here’s an example of what might be happening:

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">

In this example, you’ve created a CSS file called `styles.css` and linked it to your HTML file. But when you open the HTML file in a browser, the CSS isn’t applied. That’s because the browser can’t find the CSS file.

This is because, by default, VS Code doesn’t serve static files like CSS files. It only serves the HTML file. So, when the browser requests the CSS file, VS Code doesn’t know what to do.

The Solution: Using the Live Server Extension

One way to solve this problem is to use the Live Server extension in VS Code. Here’s how:

  1. Open your VS Code editor and navigate to the Extensions panel by clicking the Extensions icon in the left sidebar or pressing `Ctrl + Shift + X` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd + Shift + X` (Mac).
  2. Search for “Live Server” in the Extensions marketplace and click “Install”.
  3. Once installed, click the “Reload” button to reload your VS Code window.
  4. Create a new folder for your project and create an `index.html` file and a `styles.css` file inside it.
  5. Open the `index.html` file and add the following code:
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
      <h1>Hello World!</h1>
  6. Open the `styles.css` file and add some CSS code, for example:
    body {
      background-color: #f2f2f2;
  7. Go back to the `index.html` file and click the “Go Live” button in the bottom right corner of the VS Code window.
  8. A live server will start, and you’ll see your HTML file open in a browser. The CSS file should be applied correctly.

That’s it! You should now see your CSS file being applied correctly. But what if you don’t want to use the Live Server extension? Fear not, dear reader, for we have another solution.

The Alternative Solution: Using a Local Server

If you don’t want to use the Live Server extension, you can set up a local server to serve your files. Here’s how:

  1. Install the `http-server` package globally by running the following command in your terminal:
    npm install -g http-server
  2. Create a new folder for your project and create an `index.html` file and a `styles.css` file inside it.
  3. Open the `index.html` file and add the following code:
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
      <h1>Hello World!</h1>
  4. Open the `styles.css` file and add some CSS code, for example:
    body {
      background-color: #f2f2f2;
  5. Open a terminal in your project folder and run the following command:
  6. A local server will start, and you’ll see your HTML file open in a browser. The CSS file should be applied correctly.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, things might not work as expected. Here are some common issues you might encounter:

Issue 1: CSS File Not Loading

If your CSS file isn’t loading, make sure you’ve linked it correctly in your HTML file. Check the file path and ensure it’s correct.

Issue 2: Live Server Not Starting

If the live server isn’t starting, check that you’ve installed the Live Server extension correctly. Also, ensure that you’ve clicked the “Go Live” button in the bottom right corner of the VS Code window.

Issue 3: Local Server Not Working

If the local server isn’t working, check that you’ve installed the `http-server` package correctly. Also, ensure that you’ve navigated to the correct folder in your terminal.


In conclusion, getting your CSS file to work with VS Code can be a bit tricky, but with the right solutions, you can overcome this hurdle. Whether you choose to use the Live Server extension or set up a local server, you can ensure that your CSS file is applied correctly.

Remember, debugging is an essential part of the development process. Don’t be afraid to try different solutions and troubleshoot common issues. And if all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to the developer community for help.

Solution Pros Cons
Live Server Extension Easy to set up, automatic reload, and real-time updates Dependent on VS Code, might not work with other editors
Local Server Flexible, works with any editor, and easy to set up Requires additional installation, might not be suitable for large projects

By following the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to get your CSS file working with VS Code in no time. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most commonly asked questions about CSS files only working with Live Server on Visual Studio Code.

Why does my CSS file only work with Live Server on Visual Studio Code?

This is because Live Server provides a development server that reloads the page automatically when changes are made to the code. Without Live Server, the browser doesn’t know to refresh and apply the updated CSS styles. To make your CSS file work without Live Server, you can try reloading the page manually or setting up a task in Visual Studio Code to automatically reload the page on changes.

Do I need to install any extensions to make my CSS file work without Live Server?

No, you don’t need to install any extensions to make your CSS file work without Live Server. However, you can install the “Auto Reload” extension, which automatically reloads the page when changes are made to the code. Alternatively, you can use the “live-reload” feature built into Visual Studio Code by adding `”liveReload”: true` to your `settings.json` file.

Can I use a different development server instead of Live Server?

Yes, you can use a different development server instead of Live Server. Some popular alternatives include `http-server`, `serve`, and `browser-sync`. These servers provide similar functionality to Live Server and can be used to serve your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. You can install these servers using npm or yarn and then configure them to work with your project.

Will my CSS file work without Live Server in production?

Yes, your CSS file will work without Live Server in production. Live Server is only required during development to provide a convenient way to test and iterate on your code. In production, your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files will be served by a production-grade web server, such as Nginx or Apache, which will handle requests and serve your static assets.

Can I use Live Server with other code editors besides Visual Studio Code?

While Live Server is a popular extension for Visual Studio Code, it’s not exclusive to VS Code. You can use Live Server with other code editors, such as Atom, Sublime Text, or Brackets, by installing the respective extensions or plugins. Alternatively, you can use the `live-server` command-line tool, which can be used with any code editor or IDE.

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