Mastering Ansible: Unlocking the Power of the “find” Module for Efficient Output
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Mastering Ansible: Unlocking the Power of the “find” Module for Efficient Output

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Ansible, the popular automation tool, offers a vast range of modules to simplify complex tasks. One such module is the “find” module, which allows you to search for files and directories on remote nodes. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Ansible’s “find” module, exploring its syntax, capabilities, and practical applications to optimize your workflow.

What is the Ansible “find” Module?

The Ansible “find” module is a built-in module that enables you to search for files and directories on remote nodes. It’s similar to the Unix “find” command, but with the added benefit of being integrated into Ansible’s automation framework. This module allows you to specify various criteria, such as file names, permissions, and timestamps, to filter search results.

Syntax and Parameters

The basic syntax for the “find” module is as follows:

- name: Search for files
    paths: /path/to/search
    patterns: '*.txt'
  register: result

In this example:

  • paths: specifies the directory or directories to search in.
  • patterns: specifies the file pattern to search for (in this case, files with a “.txt” extension).
  • register: saves the search result in a variable named “result”.

Frequently Used Parameters

Beyond the basic syntax, the “find” module provides several additional parameters to refine your search:

Parameter Description
recurse Specifies whether to search recursively (default: true)
hidden Specifies whether to include hidden files and directories (default: false)
size Specifies the minimum and maximum file size (in bytes) to search for
mtime Specifies the modification time (in seconds) to search for
owner Specifies the owner of the files to search for
group Specifies the group of the files to search for

Practical Applications

Now that you’re familiar with the “find” module’s syntax and parameters, let’s explore some practical scenarios where this module shines:

Scenario 1: Searching for Config Files

Suppose you need to search for configuration files (e.g., “.ini” or “.conf”) in a specific directory and its subdirectories:

- name: Search for config files
    paths: /etc/
    patterns: '*.ini,*.conf'
    recurse: yes
  register: config_files

In this example, Ansible searches for files with “.ini” or “.conf” extensions in the “/etc/” directory and its subdirectories, saving the result in the “config_files” variable.

Scenario 2: Finding Files by Size

Imagine you need to find files larger than 10MB in a specific directory:

- name: Search for large files
    paths: /data/
    size: '>10m'
  register: large_files

In this example, Ansible searches for files larger than 10MB in the “/data/” directory, saving the result in the “large_files” variable.

Scenario 3: Searching for Files by Modification Time

Suppose you need to find files modified within the last 24 hours in a specific directory:

- name: Search for recently modified files
    paths: /backup/
    mtime: '-24h'
  register: recent_files

In this example, Ansible searches for files modified within the last 24 hours in the “/backup/” directory, saving the result in the “recent_files” variable.

Tips and Tricks

When working with the “find” module, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Use the register keyword to save the search result in a variable, allowing you to use the result in subsequent tasks.
  • Specify the paths parameter carefully, as Ansible will search recursively by default.
  • Use quotes around pattern expressions to avoid shell interpretation.
  • Combine multiple parameters to refine your search, such as searching for files with specific permissions and sizes.

Common Pitfalls

When using the “find” module, be aware of the following common pitfalls:

  • Incorrect pattern syntax: Ensure you use valid pattern expressions, and quotes around them to avoid shell interpretation.
  • Performance issues: Searching large directories or disks can be resource-intensive, leading to performance issues.
  • Inconsistent results: Be mindful of file system inconsistencies, such as permissions or ACLs, which can affect search results.


In this article, we’ve explored the Ansible “find” module, covering its syntax, parameters, and practical applications. By mastering this module, you’ll be able to optimize your workflow, automate complex tasks, and streamline your Ansible plays.

Remember to experiment with the “find” module, combining parameters to refine your searches and unlock the full potential of Ansible’s automation capabilities. Happy automating!

Ansible find output: By using the “find” module, you can effortlessly search for files and directories on remote nodes, generating a concise and actionable output that simplifies your automation workflow.

Frequently Asked Question

Get insight into Ansible’s find output with these frequently asked questions!

What is the default output of the Ansible find module?

By default, the Ansible find module returns a list of files and directories that match the specified criteria. The output is a JSON-formatted list, where each item represents a file or directory, including its path and other attributes.

How does Ansible’s find module handle recursive searches?

Ansible’s find module performs recursive searches by default. You can control the recursion depth using the `recurse` parameter. Set `recurse=yes` to search recursively, or `recurse=no` to search only the specified directory. You can also set a specific recursion depth using the ` recurse_depth` parameter.

Can I filter the output of the Ansible find module?

Yes, you can filter the output of the Ansible find module using various parameters. For example, you can use the `patterns` parameter to specify a list of patterns to match, the `age` parameter to filter by file age, or the `size` parameter to filter by file size.

How do I access the attributes of the files found by the Ansible find module?

You can access the attributes of the files found by the Ansible find module using the `filesize`, `ftype`, `gid`, `group`, `mode`, `mtime`, `nlink`, `path`, `pw_name`, `rgrp`, `roth`, `rusr`, `uid`, and `uname` variables. These variables are registered as Ansible facts, and you can use them in subsequent tasks or templates.

Can I use the Ansible find module to search for files on a remote node?

Yes, you can use the Ansible find module to search for files on a remote node. Simply specify the remote node’s hostname or IP address in the `delegate_to` parameter, and the find module will execute on that node. This allows you to search for files on a remote node without having to transfer files or data to the Ansible control node.